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Godzilla vs. Kong will be released in 2021 as a sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

The film will be followed by a sequel.

To help guide them to the Hollow Earth, Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with his idea of using Kong as their navigator to lead them to the energy source since Skull Island is no longer able to contain him (because Kong has grown too large) and allow him to survive. Though Ilene declines at first as she explains that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was moved off of Skull Island, she finally accepts after being convinced by Nathan that they need to undertake this mission in order to stop Godzilla's rampage and that they can also find Kong a new home.

It is at this moment that Jia detects Godzilla's approach by sensing vibrations through the ship, as the Titan comes and battles the soldiers before capitulating and almost drowning Kong and the others on board. The gang is saved from drowning thanks to Nathan's successful release of Kong by unlocking his shackles. This allows him to combat Godzilla underwater for long enough for Godzilla to swim to the surface and turn the barge back on its side, freeing the party from their chains. Kong gets onboard a neighboring aircraft carrier in order to meet Godzilla, who also climbs aboard to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until fighter aircraft divert Godzilla's attention long enough for Kong to shove him back into the sea. In order to avoid the explosion, Godzilla shoots his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong manages to get off in time, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and take him into the depths of the ocean, where he intends to drown the Titan.

When Godzilla is stunned by depth charges, however, their struggle is broken up, allowing Kong to surface for air.

With no other choice, Nathan determines the gang should instead shut off the ships' power to fool Godzilla into believing he destroyed them and Kong was vanquished, which finally occurs successfully. Godzilla swam away from the devastated fleet, assuming he had triumphed, after he spied on it for a while. Realizing that Godzilla would show up again if they restart their ships, the crew changes course and instead flies Kong to the spot where Ghidorah was initially trapped in the Hollow Earth in Antarctica instead of their original intention. There, Jia tries to get Kong to follow him to his house, but he refuses.

Realizing Kong can't survive in the cold weather and that they can't return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks there are others like him through there and she tells Jia to ask Kong that his family could possibly be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams follow him in their HEAVs.

Meanwhile, Madison and Josh find Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their investigation as they believe Apex had something to do with Godzilla's change in behavior. Together, they sneak into the wrecked Apex base, only to find that the "eye" Bernie had described earlier is now gone. As they discover a secret facility deep underground, the group are inadvertently locked and transported in an antigravity transport vehicle carrying Skullcrawler eggs through an underground tunnel to Hong Kong.

Walter then reveals his plan to capture the Hollow Earth's energy in order to overcome Mechagodzilla's limits. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the reason Godzilla attacked in the first place: Apex is attempting to usurp him and all the Titans in order for humans to become Earth's apex species. While searching for an exit, Madison and the others come across a room where Ren is seated inside Ghidorah's severed head, which has been transformed into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla via radio waves. Apex acquired the head from Alan Jonah after it was bitten off by Godzilla five years ago during his battle with Ghidorah.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover an ecology that is identical to that of Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are assaulted by a pair of Warbats while traversing the countryside, with one of the Warbats destroying one of the HEAVs in the process. Kong was able to rescue the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second Warbat, knocking it out cold. However, the beast recovers and constricts itself around Kong, saving him from certain death. In order for the Warbat to suffocate Kong, the creature is hit by missiles fired by Nathan's squad from their HEAV, allowing Kong to break free and savagely thrash the monster to death before feeding on the Warbat's corpse by consuming its intestines.

Kong and Nathan's team set off on their journey after discovering a majestic stone temple belonging to Kong's forebears. They uncover artifacts of an ancient fight between Kong and Godzilla's race on their way inside, and Kong discovers an antique axe carved from a deceased Godzilla's race member's dorsal plate. This power source may also be used to recharge Kong's axe. Despite Ilene's concerns that Apex cannot simply seize the find of the century, Maia and the Apex team use spider-like drones to retrieve the power source and return it to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia's guards open fire on Nathan's team, but Kong cries back furiously. When Godzilla senses the activation of Mechagodzilla, he races to Hong Kong.

Godzilla makes his way into the heart of the city and, upon detecting Kong's presence in the Hollow Earth, uses his atomic breath to dig a hole through the environment, causing the temple to collapse. When a flock of Hellhawks attacks, Kong and Nathan's team rush to the rescue, only for Kong to grab their HEAV on their way out, crushing it in his hand despite Maia's attempts to shoot him in order to escape. After peeking inside to make sure Jia, Ilene, and Nathan aren't in there, Kong immediately crushes the aircraft in his hand, killing Maia and her team on board.

Hearing Godzilla's roar as he issues him with another challenge, Kong accepts and proceeds to make his way through the hole created by Godzilla's atomic breath to Hong Kong with his axe in hand while Ilene, Nathan and Jia follow him in their HEAV. Upon arriving in Hong Kong and confronting Godzilla, Kong fights him again, this time gaining the upper hand against the Titan to the point he shoves his axe down Godzilla's throat to stop him firing his atomic breath. Kong sees that his axe can not only block Godzilla's atomic breath, but can also absorb the blast and injures the Titan in the thigh with his weapon, though Godzilla removes the axe and throws it away. After using the buildings of Hong Kong and his superior agility to dodge and evade Godzilla's attacks, Kong retrieves his axe before bringing his now charged-up weapon down on Godzilla, creating an explosion that knocks both Titans back, making Nathan believe that Kong has won the second round.

Walter instructs Ren to unleash Mechagodzilla against Godzilla at the Apex base. Walter rejects Ren's pleadings and coldly orders him to start the mecha, despite his warnings about the new Hollow Earth energy source. Bernie, Madison, and Josh are all brought to Walter by Apex security for entering the headquarters and being captured by the guards. For all of this, Madison blames the Titans of unleashing Godzilla, but Walter boldly replies that it was his decision to let humans to fight back against Godzilla that led to this conflict in the first place.

After waking up, Kong sees the fight between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before meeting up with Jia, who attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his adversary. Kong eventually agrees. However, after Kong has continued to watch Godzilla being defeated by Mechagodzilla for some time, Jia discloses to him the truth, revealing that it is the robot, not Godzilla, who is the "real" adversary. After a brief moment of denial, Kong ultimately accepts and sets aside his resentment before entering the fight to assist Godzilla in reattaching his severed limb.

Kong jumps atop Mechagodzilla just as the robot is about to fire its red energy beam into Godzilla's neck, deflecting the beam into the air and sparing Godzilla's life. Godzilla aids Kong in his struggle against Mechagodzilla after realizing Kong saved his life and sense an ally in him after discovering he is not an opponent.

After Godzilla vs. Kong was released in 2021, it was claimed that the picture had exceeded the overall box office of Godzilla: King of the Monsters despite the pandemic's continued impact on the moviegoing population.

Kyle Chandler has acted in two King Kong films, the first of which was directed by Peter Jackson and released in 2005.

In the Monsterverse, Godzilla vs. Kong takes only 113 minutes to finish.

Several allusions to the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion may be seen in the film:

King Kong vs Godzilla

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